Tucker & Nadia

October 16, 2024 • McKenzie , TN

Tucker & Nadia

October 16, 2024 • McKenzie , TN

Wedding Party

Sarah Hurmiz
Sarah Hurmiz - Maid of Honor
An amazing cousin, friend and godly woman. I'm glad she will be by my side.
Joey Carton
Joey Carton - Best Man
He's a great friend and someone genuinely fun to hang around. He pretends to be normal, but don't be fooled; he's a bigger Sonic fan than I am, and I have a Sonic poncho.
Wren Hager
Wren Hager - Bridesmaid
My Wrender the Defender, defending those who need it the most. I'm happy she'll be with me on this special day.
Jim Joyner
Jim Joyner - Groomsman
A cool dude that doesn't like nicknames, so definitely don't come up with any new ones for him. He puts up with my (and Joey's) awful jokes like a champ.
Hannah Schneller
Hannah Schneller - Flower Girl
She always spreads joy in my life so I thought it would be great to help spread that joy to everyone.
Tara Tinius
Tara Tinius - Flower Girl
Such a great friend to our family and an amazing girl.
Luke Schneller
Luke Schneller - Ring Bearer
He's Boog.